All work is done in our lab in Manatee County, FL. Your project never leaves our lab!

Preserve Your Memories
Flash Drives are now the way to store your Memories
Films, Slides, Photos, Videos, Records, Audio TapesCD, DVD & Blu-ray
All work is done in our lab in Manatee County, FL. Your project never leaves our lab!
Flash Drives are now the way to store your Memories
Films, Slides, Photos, Videos, Records, Audio TapesCD, DVD & Blu-ray
Grandma & Grandpa with 1st Grandson
Unlike photographs in an album, you can't just take out an old roll of movie film and look at all the memories. If you're like most people your movie projector is long gone or never got handed down to you when you "inherited" all the old home movies.
Well, we can help with all that. We have the expertise and technology to not only transfer your films to DVD, Blu-ray or Flash Drive; but the heart to treat them like they were our own family films. That's why so many people trust VTI for their film transfers. We can even make a video file of your films which you can play and edit on your computer.
Video tape has gone the way of the dodo bird. It is getting harder and harder to find machines to play your tapes and when you do you hope that machine won't eat your tape. With age, old VCR machines are not always kind to your precious tapes. Let us save your Christmas from the '80s, your vacation with the family in 1997 or your grandson's first pee wee football game in 2005 to DVD or Flash Drive. It's important to at least save your most important tapes NOW - whether we do it, you do it or someone else does it. We are beginning to see these old tapes fail.
The salesman told you, "It's the latest thing and so easy to use." And it probably is but for some reason every time you try to make a disc of the latest birthday party or cruise you end up with a disc that either just stares back at you or worse yet, says something like "incompatible media" or "disc corrupt". At VTI we've seen most of the errors and we know how to "fix" many of the errors. Let us take the burden of transferring your digital media to a playable disc off your back and put it on your disc.
Over the last century many of the important moments in our lives were captured as photographs or slides. Over time the images fade, slide projectors and screens have all but disappeared. Digital capture of your photos and slides gives you a great way to not only preserve those special times in your life and those of your loved ones, but a great way to share them again as well. You can relive those slide shows of yesteryear and transfer those albums of photos to something your family can pass down for years to come.
Ever since Edison figured out how to record the spoken word, we have been a world of listeners. From the soldier sending a record home to a worried family, to baby's first words sent by tape to grandma and grandpa, to our first garage band ready to challenge The Beatles, to that mix tape made for that special someone... we listen. We maintain the machines that play all of that sound back and capture it in a digital format so you can play it on today's modern devices.
We use Professional Quality Blu-ray, DVD, CD discs and Flash Drives to store your precious memories. Custom labels are printed right on the surface of each disc. We can quickly duplicate discs of your wedding or thousands of discs for your company's marketing presentation.
Video Techniques, Inc. specializes in preserving memories.
Whether it is films your Grandfather took in the 1930s,
Slides your Dad took in the 1960s,
Video Tape you shot in the 1980s,
or Digital Photos & Movies your kids are taking today -
Video Techniques, Inc. can transfer your precious events to
digital media that you can share for years to come.
Your Memories Are Snippets of Time You Can't Get Back.
That's why it's so important to save your film, slides, photos and tapes.
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